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Finishing Well

Feb 29, 2020

A lot of people have a bias against life insurance, but as Hans says, you need to look at the actual facts. Hans and Robby go over term vs whole life insurance and the myths surrounding both of these. They also discuss hybrid long term care insurance and the living benefits that come with it. There are even living...

Feb 22, 2020

The number one worry retirees face is outliving their money. Hans and Robby go through 2 examples of clients who faced this fear, one who did it early and one who did it late. While it is scary to face this fear head on, it is only going to benefit you the earlier you start the process of planning. While annuities get a...

Feb 15, 2020

When you retire, your life goes through a huge season of change, especially when it comes to your finances. The recently passed Secure Act adjusted how this season can go for you and your income. The most notable adjustment comes to RMDs, or Required Minimum Distributions, for IRAs and 401(k)s. The required start...

Feb 8, 2020

Home health care is the most popular choice when asking people how they would prefer to receive long term care services. It can also be one of the most expensive choices. Hans and Robby talk about what you can do now to plan for this cost as well as how Hans helps people who don’t plan ahead of time and are now in...

Feb 1, 2020

IRMAA, or Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount, is a Medicare tax on the wealthy.  IRMAA is a surcharge on Part B and Part D. It is based on your income from your tax returns 2 years prior, so in 2020 that is 2018’s tax return. Hans talks about clients he has had, that are normally surprised and angry about...