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Finishing Well

Oct 27, 2018

This week we are diving further into Medicare, discussing Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage Plans. We talk about the differences between the two, how they cover what Medicare doesn’t, and how much they cost. We also discuss the biggest similarity of them both: they don’t cover long-term care! How do you...

Oct 20, 2018

Robby starts off this week by talking about his mom, and when Medicare stopped paying for her hospital stay. Hans talks about why this was not covered and what all Parts of Medicare cover. Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D, all cover different services. If you have some of these Parts, you will not need others.



Oct 13, 2018

Medicare Annual Enrollment is upon us, but do you really need to do anything? Hans and Robby discuss  the 5 decisions Medicare beneficiaries need to make every fall. Make sure to listen, because the first decision is usually skipped!

Don’t forget to get your copy of “The Complete Cardinal Guide to Planning for and...

Oct 6, 2018

In Acts 7:54-60, the people were so mad at Stephen, that he was stoned to death. Buy what did Stephen say that angered the people so badly? He told them you can’t save yourself.


When finishing well, it is so important to remember this lesson. In the last months or years of your life, the likelihood is that you will...